Monday, October 28, 2013

Surviving in the Business World

 October 28, 2013 Meeting

There are a wide variety of individuals who watch the National Geographic Channel, well I happen to love it and decided to buy the whole Africa DVD set. It amazed me that the people who were behind this project spent four years filming this footage to such a detailed extent and were able to capture the everyday lives of all sorts of animals that live in different parts of Africa.

One of the particular specials was focused on the lives of giraffes. Besides giving interesting tidbits of information like the fact that giraffes can go longer without water than camels (which is a pretty cool fact), but it goes on to show in depth details of a giraffe’s life cycle. In one particular situation, a pregnant giraffe was being recorded over a period of time to capture the birth of the baby.

When the mother giraffe finally gave birth, the baby made what looked like a 10-foot drop down to the ground. After enduring that fall, the small giraffe makes several great attempts to stand on his wobbly legs and fails several times in a row. Once he is able to stand, the mother giraffe starts knocking him over onto the ground for him to work harder and harder to stand. At first this looks to be a cruel joke from anyone watching the mother knock her child over, but after a few moments of watching this exchange take place it becomes obvious what the intention is from the mother giraffe. The first few hours of this little giraffe’s life is spent being knocked down and learning to get up straighter and quicker, solely because there is a lion waiting in the distance and watching his prey. The mother was in fact actually teaching her child the importance of being able to stand and move quickly. It may have been a hard lesson to learn at such an early age, but the mother giraffe did what she could to teach her child how to stay alive.

Our business is very much like this scenario. We are the giraffes and we have to constantly learn new lessons to experience our successes and our failures. We get our training from the people that started before us and we will continue to experience things that will help us determine our timeline in the working world. This is about preparing us so we can go through things and survive this wild business world. Starting in the industry, and in everything we do, we have all been the baby giraffe and the mother giraffe. We fall, we fail, we learn, we grow and we succeed.  Be tough today and everyday in order to experience your failures, so you can truly feel the value of your successes.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Secrets to life's happiness

October 16, 2013 Meeting

     Sometimes, we come across stories that change the way we look at things...this is one such story, after all, PERSPECTIVE is everything. 

A young boy lives with his father in a modest village right in the middle of a valley. With so much time on his hands, the boy begins to think about the meaning of life and what is truly important. Coming up with absolutely nothing, he decides to ask his father for answers. His father smiled at him and said 

"There is a legend of a wise man, living in the distant mountains, he knows the secrets to life and happiness. Go to the mountain and speak with him".

The boy then takes the three day trek to the mountains, excited to learn about the meaning of life and what everything really means. Expecting to see a tranquil area with a mystical cave for the wise man, the boy is surprised to see that there are people from all across the land in a palatial hall and that everyone seems to have brought foods and gifts from all over the world. He manages to stumble across the long line of people that are waiting to speak to the wise man and decides to wait as long as he needs to in order to fulfill his father's instructions and know the true meaning to life's happiness. When the time finally comes to speak with the wise man, he explains that his father sent him to ask what the meaning of life is as well as the secrets to life's happiness.

The wise man said "I will show you what life is all about, but first, I want you to take a tour around my palace. There are incredible things to see around every corner. I would also like you to hold this teaspoon, but be very careful and don't spill any of the oil that is in the teaspoon"

The boy didn't understand why he had to go on the tour, but happily obliged. He made sure that he took extra care of the teaspoon as he made his way through the grand palace. Finally, he made it back to the wise man and said "I'm done, I went through your palace and here is the teaspoon without a single drop of oil missing. I watched the teaspoon the entire time. So, please tell me the secrets to life's happiness."

The wise man shook his head and said, " I want you to go back and truly look around my palace. There are incredible things to see and experience everywhere, but don't forget to take the spoon with you... When you come back, I will tell you the secrets to life's happiness"

The boy looked confused, but once again followed directions. He made his way through the palace and saw all the amazing tapestries from all over the world. There were paintings and golden statues along with the most beautiful creations he had ever seen... When he had finally made it back to the Wise man he noticed that all of the oil in his teaspoon was gone.

The Wise man said "This is the secret to life's happiness. You have seen what happens when you concentrate too much on the task at hand and never look around you. You have also seen what happens when you never focus on your task, but only on the experiences life has to offer. The secret to life's happiness is to not lose sight of the oil, but also appreciate the beauty that surrounds you."

This story reminds us that simple perspective can truly change our life experiences, we can either constantly focus on the 'teaspoon with oil' or always be absorbed in our environment... We are lucky because we get the opportunity to not only manage our tasks, but experience how beautiful life can be. 

So whatever happens, enjoy life and your surroundings, but also keep an eye on your 'oil'.