If you want someone to adopt your idea, take your advice, buy your product, or hire you, make no mistake you are selling. Why not become great at it?
Mastering the ability to make ‘offers’ and create associated commitments affects your ability to have more impact with less struggle and get things done. Which means a better life.
Here is what we have learned and advocate:
Sales is not smarmy, cheesy, or inauthentic.
Relationships are based on connection and likeability.
How to differentiate yourself as well as your product or idea.
Adapting our relationship selling style to their personal style.
Identifying client needs and ‘what’s in it for them’.
Consider how people prefer to receive information.
Enter the conversation with a specific goal in mind.
LISTEN. Ask questions and really listen to the answers.
Identify our key customers and serve them better than anyone else.
Provide relentless, value based attention.
Determine what we need to become absolutely excellent at doing what we love to do.
The limits to becoming truly excellent at sales are usually our own inner attitudes.
Go back more than once.
Great (sales) managers coach their people to become great at sales.
We learned this and we’re sharing it with our team. We have an absolute blast while we’re doing this. All we ask of our employees is that they bring their “A” game, because we’re going to be bringing ours.
- Derek Fisher, CEO